The International Women's Club of Belgrade is a non-government, non-profit organization consisting of members from approximately 40 different countries. IWC members are ladies from the diplomatic and business communities, temporarily located in Belgrade, and local woman of the same profile with experience of membership in similar clubs from abroad. The Club’s goals are to promote friendship and solidarity among women, help them adjust to their host country and understand and fraternize with the local culture, and to contribute to it with charitable and philanthropic actions. Misija Delegacije Evropske unije (EU) u Republici Srbiji je da obezbedi adekvatno predstavljanje EU u Srbiji, da promoviše i štiti vrednosti i interese EU i njenih država članica, kao i da nadgleda i podrži proces pristupanja Srbije EU, između ostalog uspešnim sprovođenjem programa pomoći EU. Projekat je podržan Core grantom regionalnog projekta SMART Balkan – Civilno društvo za povezan Zapadni Balkan kojeg implementira Centar za promociju civilnog društva (CPCD) BiH, Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) Severna Makedonija i Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) Albanija, a finansijski podržava Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Kraljevine Norveške. Norway is a significant bilateral donor to North-Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. Norwegian aid aims to support Euro-Atlantic integration, which we see as a key to democracy based on the rule of law, and stability in these three countries and the region. The overall goal of Norway’s assistance to the Western Balkans is to support initiatives that promote Stability, Socio-economic development at country level and in the region, Good governance. The Mission is mandated to assist the authorities and civil society with democratic development and human rights protection, including the rights of persons belonging to national minorities. OSF is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit organization developing and supporting projects and activities aimed at developing a democratic culture, openness, respect for diversity, full respect for human rights of all and promoting the principles of the rule of law, good governance and accountability and citizens' participation in public affairs prerequisites for the sustainable development of a democratic and open society in Serbia. Focusing on preventing violence, implementing laws and policies, and improving access to vital services for survivors, the UN Trust Fund invests in life-changing initiatives for millions of women and girls around the world. Focusing on preventing violence, implementing laws and policies, and improving access to vital services for survivors, the UN Trust Fund invests in life-changing initiatives for millions of women and girls around the world. UN Women in Serbia focuses on initiatives in the areas that are fundamental to advancing equality for women and men and unlocking progress for all, specifically economic empowerment; ending violence against women; peace, security and engendering humanitarian action; national planning and budgeting. In all its work Oak pursues rights-based approaches, gender equality and partnership with the organisations it funds. The foundation supports civil society as a pillar of democracy and justice and nurtures innovation and visionary leadership within it. Trag fondacija okuplja ljude koji veruju da male promene mogu da naprave veliku razliku. Verujemo u želju i sposobnost građana i građanki da budu inicijatori pozitivnih promena u svojim zajednicama. Nudeći im podršku u vidu znanja i sredstava, podstičemo i podržavamo njihovo aktivno uključivanje u poboljšanje života u Srbiji. The Ministry supports projects and initiatives of civil society organizations related to the empowerment of youth and capacity building within and for youth sector.CPŽ Donatori
International Women's Club of Belgrade
EU u Srbiji
SMART Balkan - Civilno društvo za povezan Zapadni Balkan
Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway
OSCE Mission to Serbia
Open Society Foundations
UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women
UN Women Serbia
OAK Foundation
Trag fondacija
Ministry of Youth and Sports